Sep 2023 - Article

September 22, 2023
The Golden Years (1998-2009) proceeded with many years of solid planning. After gravitating heavily into OEM, we are getting ready again for a repeat of the Golden Years with innovative products pioneering in Diagnostic Battery Management. But before we can celebrate another season, we need to build infrastructure as standalone devices are being replaced by plug-and-play systems connecting to the cloud. sep23_fig1.png#asset:9763

Infrastructure building at Cadex includes a new Web that is under construction. We will also publish peer-reviewed test data that demonstrates the advantage of our technologies. Furthermore, testing stationary batteries with Spectro™ requires model-specific matrices to populate the Matrix Library that we offer with the buyer’s help . A further business model is building subscription-based services. 

The complexity of cloud connectivity is often under-estimated. Software that was written over the weekend in the olden days is now more costly and more time consuming that developing elaborate hardware. To optimize its usage, Cadex READ will serve all future Cadex devices as plug-and-play similar to connecting LEGO blocks. Our newly built infrastructure will speak a common Cadex language.;

First Spectro Modular shipment

Our Production Department is completing a 2,000-unit order of Spectro CM-12 battery test devices for the third largest car manufacturer in the world. We want to please the buyer to get s snowball effect because the world is watching us as we introduce advanced new technology in battery testing.

The compact CM-12 does more that checking the power of a starter battery. A ‘pass’ will give a grace period to assure the battery has sufficient capacity until the next service. It is the silent capacity fade that gets driver stranded without warning.

We also pursue the truck and bus market because this compact device can examine large batteries of up to 300Ah. Rather than applying a load, as competitive units do, Spectro takes the electrochemical evidence of a battery with a frequency scan. The signature is analyzed with AI similar to face recognition to get reliable state-of-health assessments. Large batteries in trucks and transit buses also use hotel load that relies on energy reserve that we measure in capacity.


Spectro CM-12 battery tester


We encourage you to pursue automotive markets offering the Spectro CM-12. Please visit garages servicing police and ambulance vehicles, as well as car rentals, car share, taxi, delivery services and regular garages.

The Spectro Modular CM-12 (blue) shown below services 12V starter battery with a generic matrix, while the CM-48 in orange tests batteries of up to 48V. Please note that testing non-starter batteries will needs a model-specific matrix that we develop with the help of the battery user.


Spectro CM-12 for automotive market

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