Cadex C7 Adapters

September 21, 2022

Modern products rely on infrastructure, and this also applies to Cadex products. An analogy is cars needing roads, airplanes landing at airports, and smartphones requiring micro-towers to talk. Our last mile for battery analyzer and chargers is the battery adapter, of which we have designed over 4,000 versions.  

Battery Adapters


Battery adapters serving as last-mil

Designing adapters needs skill and inventiveness. This is an in-house ability we developed that turned the C7 analyzer into a class of its own. Rivals tried to copy our technology but the diversity of the battery adapter needed is holding them back. The C7 SnapLock™ adapter introduced in 1995 includes a code that configures the analyzer. This allows servicing different batteries side-by-side. Ease of use is shown here

New Cadex Web

Most battery users come to Cadex when in need for battery care. The Cadex Web under construction puts the pyramid upside down by listing all batteries the Cadex analyzers can service even though we don’t have all adapters ready. The search engine will finds our website through the battery search; available adapter can be purchased online and those not yet designed will require filling out a quote form. 


Customer Assist gives visitors a hand

Making battery adapters available could open the floodgates. To assist with introduce the BABA program. BABA stands for Battery Adapter by Allocation that allows us to reach out to get a better understanding of the market potential. A visitor can also fill out “Test a Battery” that is strategically placed on the web leading to the Battery Database. 

Midway Point 2025


A flagship overshadows other business models

In the last 12 years we had focused on OEM. Today, OEM products are used in hospitals to fight COVID-19 and in Ukraine to fight the war. OEM gives us a secure base but moving forward we see the urgent need to renew our line products. OEMs are attractive at first glance. Blue Chip companies tell us what to build; they pay NRE and buy the products. In short, OEMs make us slept well at night until we compare the return on investment. Here, the C7 battery analyzer outshines other business models as shown. New interest in battery analyzers include quality verification and calibration of smart batteries that we pursue. 

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